Vest Keramiek Gouda - van Woerden aardewerk - collection  vase jug  identification  model glaze Oliva Negro Rubens

Vest Keramiek Gouda-Holland / van Woerden Gouda Aardewerk

sticker Vest Keramiek Gouda Holland
Marius and Hugo van Woerden made pottery in the Netherlands in the period 1964 - 1984.
sticker van Woerden Gouda Aardewerk
Their pottery is also known as Vest Keramiek Gouda.

From 1964 to 1973 the brothers van Woerden made pottery with the name
"van Woerden Gouda Aardewerk".

In 1973 the name was changed in
"Vest keramiek Gouda-Holland".
Marius van Woerden draait een spaarvarken op een draaischijf
Marius van Woerden lives in Canada and still occasionally makes pottery. You Tube has a video (January 2020) on which he shows how a piggy bank is made on a turntable.

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Click in the left menu on "photo book collection". You get an overview of the diversity of models and glazes.

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Vest koffiepotje K04 / Kof4 met vetplant Almost all pictures can be enlarged by clicking on it. An enlarged picture of one vase shows also the bottom. In order to compare pictures with each other, they are opened in a new window. Just as a pop-up.

On this website the name Vest is used, also for pottery from the period "van Woerden". Vest ceramics was made to use with flowers. So coffee pots with a lid, were used for dried flowers arrangements. Most models are therefore called vase on this website. Exceptions are electric lamps, ashtrays and flower pots.

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  identify Vest Keramiek top

With a number or model/shape, or decor/glaze or other characteristics you can look up if a vase is made by Vest.

For more information: click on "identify Vest " .

  photos and information top

Vest Keramiek overzicht modellen in verzameling - Models: a photo of each vase can be enlarged. The enlarged photo mostly shows also the bottom.
In a photo book vases are grouped together .

- Catalogue van Woerden about 1973 and original photos of Vest about 1983. They are made available by Hugo van Woerden.

- Archive: e-mails with answers given by Marius and Hugo van Woerden to questions about my collection.
In present and past you can read details of their lives.

- Sources and links: links to websites with additional, reliable information about Vest.

- Present and past: information about the periods Steenuil, Canada and nowadays.

For more details; click in the menu on
"photos and information ".

Vest Keramiek overzicht glazuren in verzameling

  info about the website top

The designer of this website is born at the same period and in the same town as the brothers Marius and Hugo van Woerden. The brothers were born in Rijswijk (ZH) in the 40's. Much information on this website is due to their willingness to cooperate.